Freedcamp for Nonprofits Program
Our Freedcamp for Nonprofits Program offers our Paid Plans with the following discounts:
All prices below are per month. Billed yearly just indicates you have to pre-pay that amount multiplied by 12 for the entire year ahead.
Pro Sponsored plan
If less than 30 monthly active users - free
If more than 30 monthly active users
Paid Monthly
This option is not available
Paid Yearly
$0.49 per active user per month paid yearly
Business Sponsored Plan
Paid Monthly
$4.99 per active user
Paid Yearly
$3.49 per active user per month paid yearly
Note: Free training session is excluded - can be arranged at extra cost.
Enterprise Sponsored Plan
10 or more users paid yearly only
Paid Yearly only
$7.49 per active user per month paid yearly
To review each plan, please visit here:
Note: We can only offer one Freedcamp Nonprofit account upgrade per organization.
Eligible teams
We are accepting all Freedcamp Nonprofits Program applications from organizations that hold a valid charitable status with either the IRS (in the United States) or a local tax service/charity commission.
Additionally, your organization must meet the following criteria:
Is not a legislative or political activity organization
Is not a church, association of churches, or other religious or evangelical organization
Is not a school, college, or related organization*
Is not an organization that attempts to influence public opinion
Is not a hospital, organization involved with health insurance or group health plans, and related organizations
Is not a private grant-making, independent, or operating foundation
Does not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, political affiliation or beliefs, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression
Does not promote a particular religious affiliation, dogma, or doctrine as part of its mission or in exchange for its services (being affiliated with a religious organization is not in itself disqualifying)
*If you are an Educational Organization, please see our Freedcamp for Education Program for additional information.
Additionally, your organization may not do any of the following:
- Discriminate on the basis of gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, political affiliation or beliefs, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression
- Promote a particular religious affiliation, dogma, or doctrine as part of its mission or in exchange for its services (being affiliated with a religious organization is not in itself disqualifying)
How to apply
Project members may submit an application directly on behalf of your organization. If your organization is not already using Freedcamp, please take a moment to first create an Account.
When ready, please fill out the Freedcamp for Nonprofits Program Application. You'll be asked to provide your organization's legal name, location, website, and a brief description of your organization.
The review process
Freedcamp will exercise extreme due diligence when reviewing all Nonprofit Applications. If your team is not approved, we welcome you to reapply in the future if the charitable status of your organization changes. In the meantime, you’re welcome to continue using Freedcamp’s Free plan for as long as you’d like.